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How to Make a Facebook Page and Use it For Marketing Your Online Business


There are now over 400 million registered users on Facebook worldwide, 100 million of whom live in the USA. Below, I will show you how to make a Facebook page so that, as an Internet marketer, you can tap into some of the traffic.

Facebook is the second most visited site on the internet and is fast becoming Google's biggest rival. Facebook Ads are also set to take a lot of business away from Google Adwords.

Facebook has simply become too big for any serious Internet marketer to ignore, but I am betting that a lot of home-based Internet entrepreneurs haven't even begun to consider Facebook as being one of the most important weapons in their Internet marketing arsenal. This is because a lot of people still consider Facebook as being the place where you connect with your friends and family and feel uncomfortable mixing social chat with business promotion.

A solution to this problem is to create multiple Facebook accounts. The problem, though, is that Facebook strictly limits each person to just one Facebook account.

So, what can you do to tap into the huge amount of traffic that Facebook receives, but you're not ready to buy Facebook Ads and don't want to clog up the news feed on your personal Facebook page with a lot of business messages, sales pitches and spammy comments from "friends" who you've never met and who are hoping to do business with you?

One thing you could do is to edit your news feed to accept posts from people you want to hear from. While that is a good way to clean up your Facebook page without deleting business friends from your list, it doesn't do much to help you publicize your business brand.

The solution is to make a Facebook page. A Facebook Page can be used to market a specific product or service through your Facebook account. Once you make a Facebook Page, you can start promoting it and invite other Facebook users to become "fans" of your Page. Fans are different than friends, and their updates won't show up on your main Facebook site; although, news from any pages that you become a fan of will show up in your news feed.

Setting up Facebook Pages for each of your products or services is a great way to tightly segment your Facebook traffic into specific audiences and to keep your business activities separate from your social activities.

You can post text, photos, videos, discussion boards and numerous other Facebook applications to your Page. Your Page will also provide good link juice to your other webpages and blogs.

Speaking of blogs, you can publicize your fan Pages on your blog and set-up blog feeds on your fan Pages.

What kind of fan Pages will do well on Facebook?

Like everything else, it depends on how much effort you put into it, but it's good to know that the leading demographic profile on Facebook is the "young educated women" bracket, so if you can find a product or service to match that niche you might be onto a winner.

Facebook Pages are free and easy to set up. To make a Facebook page, all you need to do is go to
Click Here To Visit Facebook Fan Supply
This site is chocked-full of information on why you should buy facebook fans and how to effectively use new facebook fans to increase your business revenue. Order the 25 free fans and sit back and let the fans roll in!

Now Pay Close Attention --

Using your Facebook Fan Page to increase your business exposure and revenue is simpler than you've been told...

[Problem #1] How To Find Interested Facebook Users

[Problem #2] How To Bring Them To Become Your Fans

Facebook Fan Supply has been solving these two problems for hundreds of satisfied customers. The Facebook Fan Supply System has been tried and tested and known to produce excellent results.

Facebook Fan Supply has a free 25 Facebook Fans Trial so you can try before you buy, so I highly recommend that you test this system first and see some results.

First: Look Around And See That Many Sites Are Selling "Invites" and Not Actual Facebook Fans
Stay clear of any sites selling invites as you are not guaranteed ANY results. Facebook Fan Supply always supplies REAL FANS not invites.


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