News corporation compensaten $4.7 million for British eavesdropping events
Beijing time September 20, Houston, according to people familiar with the agreed to pay 2 million victims group eavesdropping case euro ($3.133 million) in compensation and donate money to charities 1 million euros ($1.567 million), two add a total of $4.7 million.
July 5,, , the News of the World (the World) of trouble again exposed to the telephone invasion scandal. The news of the world was accused in 2002, says the use of private detective into 13 kidnapped girl Millie, many happy (Milly Dowler) telephone voice mail, listening to and deleted some phonetic news. It turned out, Millie, many music in 2002 was a nightclub doorman killed.
The allegations expanding the news of the world phone invasion of the scandal the scope affected, ordinary citizens also involved, means that the invasion of time and scope phone than previously expected more wide earlier.
The news of the world began in late 2005 telephone invasion scandal, prince William went after notice authorities say, the news of the world may be invaded prince William phone, British police are survey.
It led to the closure of the news of the world; British Sky Broadcasting acquired company (British Sky Broadcasting Group PLC) abortion; chief executive officer Rebecca, Brooks and , the CEO of Michael essien, rice at dow Jones to resign
Beijing time September 20, Houston, according to people familiar with the agreed to pay 2 million victims group eavesdropping case euro ($3.133 million) in compensation and donate money to charities 1 million euros ($1.567 million), two add a total of $4.7 million.
July 5,, , the News of the World (the World) of trouble again exposed to the telephone invasion scandal. The news of the world was accused in 2002, says the use of private detective into 13 kidnapped girl Millie, many happy (Milly Dowler) telephone voice mail, listening to and deleted some phonetic news. It turned out, Millie, many music in 2002 was a nightclub doorman killed.
The allegations expanding the news of the world phone invasion of the scandal the scope affected, ordinary citizens also involved, means that the invasion of time and scope phone than previously expected more wide earlier.
The news of the world began in late 2005 telephone invasion scandal, prince William went after notice authorities say, the news of the world may be invaded prince William phone, British police are survey.
It led to the closure of the news of the world; British Sky Broadcasting acquired company (British Sky Broadcasting Group PLC) abortion; chief executive officer Rebecca, Brooks and , the CEO of Michael essien, rice at dow Jones to resign
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