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Geography Resources - Atmosphere, Biosphere, Development, Hydrosphere, Industry, Lithosphere, Population, Rural And Urban


1. General Links

BBC Bitesize: /scotland/education/bi...phy/index.shtmlNB: This is an excellent resource that covers the basics for most of the topics. However, you do not need to learn the content relating to derelict land vegetation on Page 3 in the Biosphere section as this is no longer in the syllabus.

/ is a site produced for pupils of the High School of Dundee. It has a lot of info relevant to the Higher Geography syllabus. Be warned however, it is heaped into one page so it can take a long time to load.

/richard/geo.htm seems a decent and fairly relevant general resource.

Geocast (podcast) downloads from excel (definitely worth a look): /content/index.php...graphy_geocasts

The Bitesize "Ask a Teacher" Service also has a good number of responses to queries from Higher Geography students: /scotland/education/bi.../ask/geography/

GeoResources is aimed at the A and AS Level courses but has some useful stuff: /

'Geography at the Movies' is a site with numerous videos of topics relating to Higher Geography (many at a very basic level but others more useful): /index.html

The Geography Zone has a 'Geography Challenge' page with a number of fun online quizzes to test your knowledge of where the countries of the world actually are or what their capital cities are: /new/index.php?t=1&b=1

The National Qualifications Online site has numerous resources available for download: /nq/resources/...aphy+-+Higher

The SQA Arrangements Documents, updated August 2008 (most recent as at 03/02/10): /sqa/files_ccc/Geography_Higher_3rd_edition_August 2008.pdf

Texts available for purchase:

John Geddes' "How to Pass Higher Geography": /Pass-Higher-Geogra...s/dp/0340815817

Leckie & Leckie's Higher Geography Course Notes: /catalogue...213&id=1733

Official Higher Geography Past Papers: /catalogue...213&id=1659

2. Topic Specific Links


Coriolis Principle:


As shown in the above diagram, due to the Earth's rotation winds are deflected to the right when travelling south, and to the left when travelling north. This is the Coriolis Principle. Please also see the animation here.

Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ):



Global Heat Budget:


The amount of solar energy reflected by the Earth is known as the Earth's albedo. As shown by the diagram above, on average around 70% of solar energy is absorbed, and 30% reflected. >80% of solar energy is reflected by fresh snow while

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