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Kodak solutions for the U.S. newspaper industry a hundred years energize - china Waterwell Drilling - News - Business News


Rochester, New York, March 1 - thanks to the recent purchase of the Kodak full newspaper prepress solutions, located in Yorktown, New York's ChasePress company significantly enhanced its "Memphis (Tennessee) Daily News "The production efficiency and output quality, and to make the printing process more environmentally friendly.Founded in 1886, "the Memphis Daily News," as the main commercial and political content, daily edition of the circulation of 3,500 copies, weekly version of the number of subscribers up to 2 million before the introduction of Kodak's solutions, "we still film plate, much-needed technology upgrade. "publisher EricBarnes their expectations by updating the equipment, reducing the pressure of deadlines, while effectively reducing the error rate of plate. By comparing various suppliers "to plate" technology. Barnes said, "Kodak at a very reasonable price timely provision of complete solutions that allow our digital transition very smooth."The newspaper in troduced the Kodak TRENDSETTERNEWS (Trendsetter News) thermal platesetter and KODAK PF-N equipped with flush-free printing plates, Kodak PRINERGYEVO (PRINERGY Edition) workflow and KODAK PREPS imposition software.Kodak solutions to enhance speed performance is very satisfactory to Barnes: "The results are very satisfactory, we will be three hours of film down to a plate making time to 1 hour of direct plate-making time, so that we can delay the manuscript sent to two hours printing presses, which further extended the time for our editors. In addition, the workflow will allow us to more effectively check for errors, to avoid the error plate. ""Memphis Daily News," also uses a more environmentally-friendly washing-free printing plates to replace the existing process, which significantly improved the environmental benefits of printing. Chase Media Group is a cross-media publishing companies, service on the Hudson River Valley, New York 52 years. As the Group's newly established branch, ChasePress is the Group-7 the fastest growing product areas in branches, for printing newspapers, catalogs and other commercial printing products.ChasePress company purchased a Kodak TRENDSETTERNEWS (Trendsetter News) thermal platesetter and KODAK PF-N with a free wash plates, Kodak PRINERGYEVO (PRINERGY Edition) workflow and Kodak PREPSPlus imposition software.The equipment purchase and installation of a newspaper, one of the main purpose of shaping a more environmentally-friendly companies. "KODAK PF-N non process plate is a great advantage to reduce the impact on the environment, whether factory or factories outside." ChasePress Prepress Manager JimBrennan said, "for pre-press department of film and plates, we no longer need to use chemicals in the printing press that is able to develop and use our conventional fountain solution, while the printers are also given very positive feedback. "Through a Kodak Unified Workflow solutions replace film-based newspaper the original workflow, ChasePress company significantly increased automation and efficiency, at the same time it also brought significantly improved output quality. These are ChasePress company two years ago, select the reason to cooperate with Kodak."The rapid growth of our commercial printing business, we need to be able to produce predictable, high-quality color printing products." Brennan believes that "through the system, we immediately saw the quality and capacity significantly improved. And based on our original workflow of film compared to more precise register, which makes printing faster completion of pre-printing workers, significantly reducing waste. "Kodak TRENDSETTERNEWS (TRENDSETTER NEWS) platesetter provides fast, reliable imaging, while production systems for the newspaper to create a standard file format interface, is now semi-automatic and automatic plate loading and unloading devices provide. KODAK PF-N non process plate thermal digital plates offers the uniq ue resolution and imaging accuracy, reliability, and the user without having to install and maintain the plate processor. Kodak PRINERGYEVO (PRINERGY Edition) is a low-cost PDF workflow workflow system, users can configure the system for controlling prepress, plate and film production process.Kodak Kodak products are "service and support" team support. Kodak "service and support" distributed in 120 countries, more than 3,000 experts and agencies across this leading supplier of integrated services, comprehensive consulting, installation, maintenance and support services to the commercial printing, graphic images, commercial images, data storage and other industries. Kodak, "Service and Support," expert with a wealth of professional knowledge, will spare no effort to help customers control costs, maximize productivity and reduce business risk.

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