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News show that Microsoft is testing Socl - Business


Beijing time November 16 news, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft is testing a program called Socl. Com new social services, preparation and Google Google + competition.

Earlier in July, the U.S. technology blog VentureBeat website for the first time a source says, Microsoft is developing social network Socl. Com. At the time, the project, called Tulip, its slogan is "more convenient to find what you need and share what you know things", and allow users to use Facebook or Twitter to login. At the time, Microsoft has denied this message. Now, the company has been developing Socl social network.

As its slogan that said Socl social network integration the search and social function. Its whole design style is the standard of three bar layout, the left for basic navigation information, and the middle is activities dynamic news, right is a lot of media components. The entire web site to will search box as the center should be. When the user input search requests, will be of the search results will show the social network to a series of related activities. If the user choice will search requests for updated information released state, other users can also comment on it. Users can also search for each within the keywords (or label) keep it down, for later view, this and Google + Sparks of share engine very similar to function.

Socl social network and a similar to Google + the place is a Video Party function. And Google's Hangouts Video group chat function, Video Party allows users and more friends and see a Video, and real-time chat. It supports video and other YouTube by Microsoft hosting the video. The social networking site is established according to the technical standard meta, need not use like Microsoft Silverlight such plugin.

Socl and other social network is the biggest different is that it lacks all kinds of "classification" function. For example, Socl can't let users according to the job, private life, geographic location, etc will be classified information to each group of friends, and this Google or Facebook Circle of Smart List all able to do it. This means that the social network users of all state update information would be giving him a share in the network with the relation of anyone. The network also lack the function of the individual user mark.

Now, Microsoft hasn't announced whether Socl will provide more people tested. We don't know whether the company will be in the future the social service to the public. But, once it introduced to the public, it will directly with Twitter, Facebook and Google + competition.

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