Whether Google News is an improvement over the Orwellian days of broadcast and cable TV is debatable. It seems to be, at least while there are other search engines that offer news features. For the Orwellian inclined, YouTube News has video news (YouTube is owned by Google). Those who have read George Orwell will always be skeptical of any series of motion pictures that is labeled news. Orwell described a totalitarian world where Newspeak is the reality, where televised news is doublespeak, where peace is war, where 2+2=5. To abandon printed news and other sources of information is unwise.
Local news is also available on Google News. To see local news, a user just enters a city, state or zip code. A news feed is also available through Google News. The news feed can be downloaded to a website. Google News also maintains its own blog to let users know of changes.
The sea of blogs on the web offer a variety of opinion. Many facts not available in the mainstream press can be found in blogs or websites that are off the beaten path.
Some of the news services that are represented on Google News are BBC, Reuters, the Associated Press, Bloomberg, Fox News, CNN, and many newspapers such as the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times.
Google News returns results from more obscure news sources as well, such as the Chippewa Herald, Politico, the AFP, Aljazeera.net, and dBTechno.
Google News has Top Stories, World, U.S. and Business News, as well as Science/Technology News, Entertainment News, Sports News, Health News, Spotlight News, and Most Popular News.
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