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How to Write a Press Release and Why It Is Important

A press release or media release, as it is also called, is a condensed article that is written in a journalistic style. The purpose of the news release is to highlight what is interesting and newsworthy about your company or organization.

Traditionally, a press release is short lived, meaning it has a limited amount of time to make your impact on the media before it becomes old news and is replaced by fresh press releases. This is not scary it's just like writing any other piece of info. Make the press release just one page.

The really cool thing is that if you submit it to the correct places, you may get a phone call requesting an interview!! This is huge for your and website.

Press Release Template and Example


Contact: Contact Person Company Name Telephone Number Fax Number Email Address Web site address


XYZ, Inc. Announces Widget to Maximize Customer Response Rate

The headline is one of the most important components of the press release because it needs to "grab the attention" of the editor. (Just like any other article, blog post, or video that we might create)

It should be in bold type and a font that is larger than the body text. Preferred type fonts are Arial, Times New Roman, or Verdana. Keep the headline to 80-125 characters maximum. Capitalize every word with the exception of "a", "the", "an", etc.
City, State, Date Your first paragraph of the release should be written in a clear and concise manner. The opening sentence contains the most important information; keep it to 25 words or less. Never take for granted that the reader has read your headline. It still needs to contain information that will "entice" the reader. Remember, your story must be newsworthy and factual; don't make it a sales pitch or it will end up in the trash. Pretend like you are the reporter. What would an objective reporter write?

Answer the questions "who", "what", "when", "where", "why", and "how". Your text should include pertinent information about your product, service and event. If writing about a product, make sure to include details on when the product is available, where it can be purchased and the cost. If you are writing about an event, include the date, location of the event and any other pertinent information. You should include a quote from someone that is a credible source of information; include their title or position with the company, and why they are considered a credible source. Always include information on any awards they have won, articles they have published or interviews they have given.

Keep your sentences and paragraphs short; a paragraph should be no more than 3-4 sentences. Your release should be between 500 to 800 words, written in a word processing program, and spell checked for errors. The mood of the release should be factual, not hyped; do not use a sales pitch as it will ruin your credibility with the reader.

The last paragraph before the company information should read: For additional information on (put in the subject of the release), contact "name" or visit If you offer a sample, copy or demo, put the information in here. You can also include details on the products availability, trademark acknowledgment, etc. in this area of the release.

About (Company) include a brief description of your company along with the products and services it provides.

- End -

At the end of the release, you need to indicate that the release is ended. This lets the journalists know they have received the entire release. Type "End" on the first line after your text is completed. If your release goes over one page, type "more" at the bottom of the first page.

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