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How to Submit your Photo Article or Video News


Media portals are adding new features for authors: optional uploads for photos, logos, pictures and video. Also internet search engines: google, yahoo, msn are improving page ranking where they find relevant illustrative materials, including movies take youtube example.
Pegas Planet is offering our authors community the combination of simplicity and at the same time advanced features: one author logo, one photo and one video rollick per article. As we suppose, if you are frequent writer and if you publish one or two articles per week it should be easy enough for you to work out the procedure of uploading your logo, photo and video for newly submitted article
1. Where you author small picture or logo goes. Answer under Author name or if it is press release then just below company name

2. Video. Video news is the catcher for the readers. After experimenting with page form on modern computer screen, we decided that it should be placed below the first paragraph of your article

3. Photo or picture. As we have video upload option, we are placing your photo next to the second paragraph of your publication

4. Positioning automation. For you this means that as article author you should not spend your precious time on fixing your photo or vide rollick positions it is done automatically be publication robot. All you need to do is to look at article or PR preview

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