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Smart Phone-Apps Store


A smart phone is basically a phone that has the technology to run an operating system. Just like a computer running on its own operating system. A popular platform such as (Java Me) will allow entertaining apps/games to run properly. What is a smart phone and what is the app store?

Another words a smart phone is a high-end (PDA) mixed with a mobile phone. The best thing that makes the phone workable is the keyboard. Most phones come with a (QWERTY) keyboard that resembles a PC keyboard and yet some come with a touch screen keyboard. These types of phones come with the-capability-of wireless connectivity, that allows one to connect any bluetooth or Wi-Fi device quickly. Making the gadget simple and easy to use.

Do you like to listen to the latest current events/news or video-stream the hottest new videos? If you do, then you will need to stop by and check out the latest apps from the apps store/apps market. You could find cool apps from A-Z and everything imaginable. My personal picks: google maps and google g-mail. Oh, and I almost forgot about an app called wether bug, where you can get current conditions, extended and detailed forecasts, maps, alerts and more.

Without some of these operating systems/platforms there would be no way to view our favorite apps that we use on an every day basis. The very first smart phone that I owned was great. It was a flip phone, it would flip open from front and side. It had a (Q-W-E-R-T-Y) keyboard when flipped open. The camera phone worked fine, it took relatively ok pictures. It was a cool smart phone and I still kinda miss it.

I used it for a few months before I decided to buy a new smart phone. Wow, what a big difference. Now days technology is growing at such a rapid pace that it's kinda hard to stay with a phone longer than six months tops. Phones are usually upgraded every few months. You will notice the upgrades right away. There are a lot of smart phones to choose from: google phone, h-t-c phone, android phone and the i-phone.

If you stop by any website store and browse around you will notice how popular these phones have become. The operating system is the core of the gadget. below you will find a list of integrated operating systems that come with smart phones.

*Symbian operating system

*Blackberry operating system

*Windows phone operating system

*Android operating system

The pricing of a smart phone differs from around US$200 to US$800. It all depends on the budget that your working with. You could go for the "Cadillac of cell phones" or buy a cheap cell phone and find the coolest apps at the apps store today.

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