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Yahoo's growth development process - Business


Beijing time September 8, according to foreign media reports news, "New York times" website article published today, points out the Internet industry is a leading once in the yahoo now is already in troubled situation.

The following is for the New York times "website from the article:

From the glorious to opportunities

Yahoo in as the gateway website had a brilliant time, while yahoo once is the most visited site users. But, just as other companies have Internet industry into social networking and mobile equipment etc, yahoo failed to catch, finally only to today's difficulties situation.

Yahoo's so pain finally revealed on Tuesday to come, in yahoo's board announced on Tuesday, suddenly fired chief executive officer of the company, carol buzz. Buzz has been key to promote yahoo online media and original news business, but ignored the development of new social networking tools, video services and mobile machine application to the attention of the business, and that is more like the service users use, and the result is, yahoo's defeat is not only the important problems in management, and more vivid description of yahoo issued in professional content sites from mobile phones and mobile network leading to the new digital world transformation process is also very failure. In such a new field, the user is the original content.

Yahoo's problems and another was in the Internet industry has a popular forerunner of similar, that is America online (AOL). The two companies have agile use of the user change to the way the great opportunity-reading from the traditional to the network news newspaper important transition opportunities, but in the Internet users and advertisers to mobile phones and social network in transition, but have not effectively capture these opportunities. The two companies have to become a media company. At the same time, a new generation of companies, such as Google and Facebook, etc are able to take advantage of these opportunities, meet the user's information and entertainment request, they are no longer provide content, but create mobile and social networking services to attract users and those big advertisers.

Yahoo display advertising advantage lack innovation loss

According to the market Research institutions of digital marketing company Forrester analyst who Bosch, division (north Shar VanBoskirk cork () said: "yahoo has been hanging in a few years ago in the become giants among those areas. Yahoo think users will still to visit their site, but, today's users want to get the experience is more collaborative, so users can switch to mobile devices and common creation content."

Division (north also said, as people use the Internet is changing the way, yahoo and aol "rolled around, not after all market and other companies the pace of development of". According to comScore, the company said yahoo's web site, such as yahoo home page, email service and financial and entertainment website, still keep a large number of users, the web site of the biggest single user traffic is still as high as 177.6 million, the Numbers just behind Google, but higher than Facebook. But, with the flow of yahoo, Google and Facebook is missing the popularity of the growing, and the user is spent on yahoo on time only about half the on on Facebook.

Advertising users often tend to make them much more profitable to the object, such as intelligence, video web site users of mobile phones and social networking users, and those who can produce the company to its appeal. Yahoo in once in advertisement market is in extremely important leading position, it was important that the product is the advertising, this kind of advertising can display image and video, but Facebook and Google are thus, and gradually catch up with yahoo, its very important reason is because Facebook and Google can for advertisers provide more information about users and related personal information.

According to research firm eMarketer digital marketing data shows that yahoo display advertising business market share has been three consecutive years of decline. Last year, yahoo display advertising market share has dropped to 14.4%, Facebook and Google is the same kind of market share to 12.2% and 8.6%, respectively. At the same time, eMarketer also is expected to this year, Facebook will with 17.7% share of more than 13.6% of yahoo. And next year, Google will to with a share of 12.3% and 12.5% of yahoo and Facebook, and difficult points of share will increase to 19.4%.

Yahoo concept outdated flaw

EMarketer company chief analyst David Hubble ord (David Hallerman) said: "yahoo still holds great flow, but, more and more advertisements customers is eyeing several goals." At present, the ads customer has been drawn to the Facebook users friends circle and Google users search, etc.

Hubble, will also yahoo and user and the 1960 s some large circulation of the publication is compared, for example "the Life and observation (kind of)-act. Comparison, when advertising clients from general magazine to those specific to celebrity news or golf magazine, the traditional publication will lose their vitality. To this, the Hubble mann said: "gateway website want to let all be satisfied the demand of the idea has been out of date."

Some advertising executive also criticized yahoo, yahoo advertising the existence of the technology said defects. Almost every few months, advertising agencies must be taught how to use their new high tube yahoo account. The French Yang lion group's digital advertising agency Razorfish company in the western region of the President of business cristian ZuEr (Christian Juhl) said: "see yahoo will know, page flaws too much."

In 2007, Google bought display advertising company DoubleClick, to compete with yahoo. Two years later, Google developed DoubleClick advertising Exchange (Ad Exchange), the advertising Exchange make both parties in advertising a trade more effective. Google an enduring image huge acquisitions or created market positioning tool, thus to service and optimize the network shows ads. In addition, Google also has the video site YouTube investment, in order to trying to attract users to switch to display advertising TV advertising service.

Of the industry leading Media organization China and Asia (Horizon Media) with dispatch in Los Angeles office, vice President of digital business executive manager Julie unity, Berger (Julie borg said: "you can see Facebook and Google this company is eating into market share. Consumer habits of change, and yahoo has been and can effectively realize it."

Yahoo has__4__

But, even if the Internet users began to change the way web surfing, began to use different ways, such as web surfing in different web sites and equipment reading news and content, such as yahoo and aol, the progress was very lags behind, as they are still in in the 1990 s, the golden age of creating some content that.

Tim Armstrong (Tim Armstrong) since 2009, has been a America online chief executive, he has an enduring image a huge sum of money, such as investment news and original news business. His biggest investment is earlier this year with the price of 315 million dollar acquisition "Hector fenton reaction of the post, o liana Arianna Huffington, Hector fenton reaction () started news and polymerization website. He also acquired technology blog TechCrunch, and through the cooperation with Patch way, began to develop the field of regional news, Patch in 800 DuoGe town have set up a reporter, let them write the town hall meetings, community crime and civil activities related to the news.

But, with yahoo similar is, Armstrong need to handle the feelings of resentment shareholders questions, and claims a spin-off company or sold. America online has an investment bank and related lawyer, specializing in mergers and acquisitions, etc. America online Internet access continues to decline, the number of users in its efforts to increase the overall advertising business measures not not work. A recent quarter, America online global advertising revenues increased by only 5%, and this is its in 2009 with time warner for the first time after the separation revenue growth, but it still losing money situation.

Buzz in a yahoo chief executive has taken a similar measures, such as hiring dozens of journalists and bloggers, the network company merger eliminate, the company let by amateur journalists to report the news of a variety of subjects. Yahoo released in 2005 and the first social networks-yahoo, but the product development 360 has been disappointing.

On Thursday the internal meeting held on yahoo, yahoo management and staff, common to the conference, yahoo management hope to employees to ensure, yahoo still will be able to create a better future. Yahoo co-founder jerry Yang says, fire chief executive position of the buzz, but decided to an unusually difficult yahoo should be more rapid growth. Jerry Yang said: "we're currently in yahoo in the history of the critical moment."

That division (north, Bosch cork said: "advertising clients want to see a innovators, such partnerships can help advertisers understand and get the win consumers channel., yahoo's problem is that it's like an old players, never to think about the future development trend." (

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