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Fisher Capital Scam Prevention News : Fraud Unit: Gas saving gimmicks - Business - Management


fox11az.comPosted on September 7, 2011 at 5:20 PMUpdated today at 10:58 AM

The Better Business Bureau is warning consumers about devices that claim to save gas in your vehicle, but only cost you money.Gasoline prices have risen well above $4.00 a gallon in most every state across the country. The average U.S. family with two drivers is now paying nearly $1,000 more annually for gas than they were just two years ago according to a recent study by research gurus, Sperling's BestPlaces.Although there are practical steps you can take to increase gas mileage, Better Business Bureau of Southern Arizona warns consumers to be wary of gas-saving claims that empty your wallet, instead of saving you fuel.Many websites make unbelievable claims for various aftermarket automotive devices (fuel-line magnets, air bleed devices and retrofit gadgets) and oil and gasoline additives that supposedly increase gas mileage for automobiles. The Federal Trade Commission found many of these claims to be either false or overly exaggerated.Angela Pratt, co-owner of Dan's Toy Shop in Tucson said they have had customers come to their shop with various aftermarket devices on their cars."Usually what happens is the device restricts airflow to the engine, and the check engine light comes on as a consequence," Pratt told BBB. "As far as helping gas mileage, it either doesn't do anything or could even make it worse."Pratt said that if consumer's want better gas mileage the best thing to do is use a higher octane gas, noting that drivers with six and eight cylinder engines would more than make up for the extra cost of the gas with improved mileage.Pratt said that drivers who place aftermarket devices on their cars to save gas are fighting a losing battle."The newer vehicles are electronically tuned to get maximum gas mileage" she said. "Even the smallest alterations can throw a car's computer system off."Before adding any fuel savings device to your vehicle, check with your mechanic. You may end up with a voided manufacturer's warranty and serious engi ne problems by adding after market devices to your engine.What you spend at the pump is influenced by how you drive and what type of gasoline you use to fill your tank. Here are some tips on what you can do to save fuel: Keep your engine tuned. Studies have shown that a poorly tuned engine can increase fuel consumption by as much as 10 to 20 percent depending on a car's condition. Follow the recommended maintenance schedule in your owner's manual; you will save fuel and your car will run better and last longer. Don't let your engine run at idle any longer than necessary.An engine actually warms up faster while driving. With most gasoline engines, it is more efficient to turn off the engine than to idle for any period longer than 30 seconds. Drive more efficiently. Stay within the posted speed limits. The faster you drive the more fuel you use. Set your cruise control on highway trips. This can help maintain a constant speed and, in most cases, reduce your fuel consumption. K eep your tires properly inflated and aligned. Automobile manufacturers must place a label in the car stating the correct tire pressure. If the label lists a psi (pounds per square inch) range, use the higher number to maximize your fuel efficiency. Anticipate the driving condition. Driving smoothly and steadily makes the best use of your fuel. If you can, avoid sudden acceleration or braking. Change your oil and replace air filters regularly. Clean oil reduces wear caused by friction between moving parts and removes harmful substances from the engine. Your air filter keeps impurities in the air from damaging internal engine components.

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